How Bilingual Are You? Ways You Can Apply for a Bilingual Job

Can you speak another language, but aren’t sure whether that counts as being bilingual? Should you even tell employers that you’re bilingual? Well, there’s actually a system that classifies a candidate’s bilingual skills, so that they know how to specify their proficiency when applying for bilingual jobs. If you want to learn about how to… Read more »

Why Do Bilingual People Earn More Money?

So, you’re looking for jobs online and find a posting similar to your current position, but the salary is way higher than you expected. Maybe they’re looking for someone with a lot of experience, or an applicant with specific certifications. But as you’re reading through the requirements, everything seems pretty similar to your job now—until… Read more »

Top 5 Bilingual Recruitment Strategies

Bilingual jobs can be tough to fill, especially when in-house recruiters aren’t sure how to bring in the appropriate candidates. Bilingual recruitment requires specialized strategies in order to attract those with the necessary skills and background. If you want to learn how to recruit like bilingual staffing agencies, then keep on reading for recruitment strategies… Read more »