Why Do Bilingual People Earn More Money?


So, you’re looking for jobs online and find a posting similar to your current position, but the salary is way higher than you expected. Maybe they’re looking for someone with a lot of experience, or an applicant with specific certifications. But as you’re reading through the requirements, everything seems pretty similar to your job now—until you get to the very last bullet point: “Bilingual candidates only.” There it is: the one requirement that disqualifies you from the race. If the only difference between your job now and the one online is the language requirement, what’s the deal with the huge salary difference? The truth is, bilingual jobs almost always pay more. If you want to find out why, then keep on reading.

Bilingualism Is a Sought-After Skill in Canada

The ability to speak multiple languages, namely French and English, is an extremely sought-after skill in Canada. Being able to communicate effectively in both official languages is required for a large portion of government jobs, as well as for businesses that conduct business abroad. When companies have more bilingual employees, they open themselves to being able to open up to a wider market.

Better Communication with Clients

Bilingual applicants tend to be more desirable, since they can communicate more effectively with clients. For example, if an employee is on a call with a potential client but they would prefer to speak French, your staff member would still be able to speak with them, rather than having to put them on hold and find someone who can. Thus, having bilingual employees makes your business more efficient, and your client’s lives easier.

Better Cultural Fit

Language is more than just syntax—it’s associated with an entire culture. When you have someone on your team that can speak more than one language, they won’t only be able to communicate with a wider range of people, but they’ll help you bridge the cultural gap. They can help you and other staff members understand certain things about your new clients or business partners, and give you tips on what not to do.

Fewer Bilingual Candidates Available

Bilingual candidates are few and far between, especially those who can speak languages other than the official ones. Often times, even those who are a part of foreign cultures don’t know how to speak the language of their mother country—this is usually a consequence of being born and raised in North America. Since bilingual applicants are so sparse in the job market, employers are willing to spend the extra money to win them over the competition.

Collaborate with Us to Find a Bilingual Job

Whether you’re a candidate searching for a new job, or a company looking for the perfect bilingual applicant, you’ll want to work with Resolve Recruit Inc., one of the top bilingual recruitment agencies in the province. Serving the GTA since 1999, you’re guaranteed to find a job with our staffing agency to assist you. We’ve built solid partnerships with clients and job seekers alike, which means we’re able to make lasting connections between qualified candidates and growing companies. Contacts us today to take advantage of our full-service recruitment firm.