4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start Your Job Hunt

Whether you’re beginning your job search for the first time after graduating, or looking to head down a new career path after spending time in another industry, there are some things that you’ll need to include on your job search checklist to ensure you make an appropriate choice. A change in jobs doesn’t always just… Read more »

4 Ways to Recognize a Bad Recruitment Agency

Hiring a recruitment agency to conduct your candidate screening process and staff your company is a big deal—you’re basically entrusting the future of your company to this recruitment agency. So how can you tell the bad recruitment agencies from the good ones? You’ll have to go through recruitment agency screenings to try and figure out… Read more »

Top 4 Qualities That Employers Seek in an Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistant jobs are often overlooked and taken for granted, but in reality, these professionals are the centre of many offices—daily operations would go awry without adequate administrative staffing. There are certain qualities employers look for in admin assistants, like organizational skills, effective communication abilities, and time management, among others. If you’re searching for administrative… Read more »