Benefits of Hiring Bilingual Candidates for Customer Service Agencies

Customer service agencies have a heightened interest in recruiting bilingual candidates compared to many other types of businesses. Although there are other types of bilingual jobs and bilingual workers in general provide many benefits, the high level of public and customer interaction seen by customer service agents means that bilingual candidates will be able to… Read more »

How Bilingualism Can Benefit Your Career

The job market is highly competitive, and job seekers are under constant pressure to outperform one another for the sometimes seemingly elusive prize of proper employment. It is therefore important for job seekers to find ways to distinguish themselves and better stand out from the crowd. One such method can be through bilingualism. The ability… Read more »

How to Test the Skills of a Bilingual Candidate

When you are evaluating a bilingual candidate, it is important to understand how well they can communicate in their second tongue. This is not just a simple matter of making sure they can translate or speak a few sentences since there is a large difference between speaking a language and communicating in it. Here are… Read more »