5 Signs You Need to Hire New Staff


Oftentimes, running a business means it’s up to you to make tough decisions like figuring out when to hire new staff. There are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration as this isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. After all, bringing on new employees comes with a great deal of financial and logistical risks and expenses such as offering benefits packages. Sometimes, candidates that may seem like a good fit during the hiring process might actually turn out to be bad hires for one reason or another and this can end up costing you a lot of money. 
But hiring new employees also comes with a series of benefits that may actually help you expand your business and bring it to new, unfathomed heights of success. If the workflow is becoming too overwhelming, the quality of customer service is going downhill, you’re biting off more than you can chew, and your employees are becoming visibly overwhelmed by stress at work, then it may be time to hire new employees who can offer fresh insights and relieve some of the burden, even if it’s just to do menial tasks you don’t have time for.

Keep reading to learn about the five signs you need to expand your company and the benefits of hiring more employees to help you meet your goals. 

1. Your Staff Is Obviously Overworked

As a business owner, manager, or team leader it’s perfectly normal for you to have to step in occasionally to help your staff complete tasks and meet tight project deadlines. But if you find yourself being forced to do this more often than not and constantly pulling overtime with your current employees, that’s a clear indication that you should start looking into new hires. 

Overworking yourself and your staff takes a huge toll on your mental and physical health, not to mention the fact that your team’s productivity and quality of work will also begin to suffer. At the very least, hiring entry-level workers to take on menial tasks like answering phones, fulfilling orders, filing paperwork, and answering customer emails on your behalf can help alleviate a large chunk of the workload and free up time and energy for you and your senior staff to focus on more important tasks. It also helps increase productivity and workplace efficiency by large margins.

2. The Quality of Customer Service Is Going Downhill

Noticeably dwindling customer service quality and satisfaction is a huge sign that you may need to hire new staff who are dedicated to placing orders, answering inquiries, and handling complaints. In fact, if your business is expanding, it might even be prudent to create an entirely new department that’s dedicated to sales and customer service. 

To facilitate and uphold smooth, efficient customer service standards, you need to make sure that you have enough manpower on hand and delegate tasks accordingly. Otherwise, your customer service will continue to suffer along with your business’s reputation. 

3. Negative Impact on Revenue 

It’s a proven fact that when productivity and workplace efficiency suffer, so does company revenue. Value-driven revenue is very closely linked with the quality of workplace performance and professionalism. Employees who are overworked and overtired usually have diminished morale and they simply aren’t as productive as those who have more assistance in completing their workload. A lack of proper management is a key contributor to increased stress levels on the job and that includes failing to recognize when your employees aren’t performing at their absolute best. 

While hiring more staff cuts into your company’s overall budget, the benefit is usually far greater than the financial risk as long as you hire qualified candidates who have the right training and expertise. In the end, this could actually end up saving you a lot of money by increasing productivity, efficiency, quality of work, and speeding up delivery of services exponentially.

4. New Opportunities Are Getting Compromised

To succeed in a competitive industry—or any industry, for that matter—businesses need to constantly be developing fresh and innovative ideas and taking on new opportunities for expansion. However, those opportunities can sometimes be cumbersome if you don’t actually have the means or enough manpower to aptly take them on. While embarking on new opportunities and signing on new clients can mean great things for your business, it also means more work for your already overworked employees. And therein lies a big problem. Do you keep expanding your business at the expense of your employees’ sanity and well-being? Or do you spend a little extra money and hire new employees to help balance the extra workload?

If you find yourself literally having to turn down new clients and business opportunities, then this is a big red flag that you need a bigger staff.

5. New Skills Are Needed to Expand Your Workforce

Two of your top priorities to help your business thrive should be to build new customer relationships through acquisition endeavours and retain existing customers by providing excellent service. In order to ensure that your business is successfully deploying these strategies, you need more than all hands on deck. You need additional hands on deck. You need fresh faces in your company who have qualifications that your current staff is lacking or needs to build upon to secure the future of your business and increase performance ratings. 

Even if that means hiring new candidates with basic administrative skills and experience to help increase workflow efficiency around your place of business and lighten the workloads of your senior staff, then it’s still a valuable investment for your company. Your existing employees will thank you for it as well. 

Trust Resolve Recruit Inc. to Find the Right Candidates for Your Business

Resolve Recruit Inc. is one of Canada’s most trusted leading recruitment and staffing agencies. Located in Mississauga, Ontario, we’ve helped numerous employers across the country find the right candidates to help them grow their businesses. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help match you with the most qualified candidates in your industry.